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Saturday, 29 October 2016

Traditional locs vs Sisterlocks


  • One of the major difference is the time it takes to grow traditional locs as oppose to the time it takes to get Sisterlocks
  • Sisterlocks allows you to have the 'look' of locs without going through the phases of locking your hair
  • Traditional locs are cultivated over a period of time (months)
  • Relaxed hair will not lock successfully with Traditional locs
  • Sisterlocks can be installed on relaxed hair
  • They both can grow to long lengths
  • Once locked they are both low-maintenance
  • Sisterlocks should be installed by a trained technician
  • Anyone with the skills can initiate traditional locs
  • Traditional locks is much cheaper to install than Sisterlocks

See the comparison's all about what works for you!

Give me your thoughts!!!!

Can MEN rock Sisterlocks?



Brotherlocks is the male version of the Sisterlock technique developed and trademarked by Dr Joanne Cornwell. 

The sisterlock technique was developed for women and uses natural hair texture to encourage the hair to create thin, flexible locks similar in size and texture to micro-braids.

Brother locks use the same techniques but larger sections of hair to create a more masculine and substantial lock. But even though brotherlocks are larger than sisterlocks, they are still significantly smaller than traditional dreadlocks. 

Because of the precision and minute size of the sectioning used to create brotherlocks, it is easier to wash and moisture your scalp, preventing dandruff and infection. 

Unlike dreadlocks that have limited styling options because they are larger and heavier, brotherlocks have greater flexibility. 

Brotherlocks can be worn by professionals as the thin nontraditional appearance may give a less radical first impression.

Difference in Technique

Brotherlocks uses 400 to 500 individually locked strands of hair using a patented locking tool. Initial installation must be done by a sisterlock/brotherlock consultant and can take 10 to 20 hours depending on the length of hair and the total number of individual locks required.

Dreadlocks can use as few as 10 extremely large dreads but can easily use 100 or more depending on the patience of the wearer. Initial locks are often palm-rolled to create locks and mats. Additional techniques such as crocheting and waxing help to build and maintain the shape of dreadlocks. Creating dreadlocks require little or no experience. 

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What Do You Think? Can Men Rock Brotherlocks????

Alicia Keys goes Natural

ALICIA KEYS.............NATURAL!!!!

NATURAL doesn't only have to be about the hair!!! 

For ALICIA KEYS it's also about the makeup. 

Earlier this year 2016, Alicia Keys made a decision to stop wearing makeup. She stressed on the fact that women tend to do soooo much to try to be perfect, not for themselves most of the time, but to please fit in!!!!

Alicia said it felt "really empowering" and "really freeing"!!! 

She says " I think it came from because we put so many limitations on ourselves.......we put limitations on each other.....society puts limitations on us.....and in a lot of ways I am sick of it. Over it, to be honest." 

It would be so amazing to embrace each other as we are, and to do what feels good to you. 

I don't want to cover up anymore, she says, not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth, Nothing!!

She decided to be FREE!!! NATURAL!!! No Cover Up!!!




Give me your thoughts on Alicia Keys decision. 
  • Did her decision make sense?
  • Was it too drastic?
  • Is it worth it?
  • Which picture do you prefer?


Thursday, 27 October 2016




Women often encounter many surprises and troubles with their Natural hair. It is either difficult to style or lacks length. The other problem is when your hair is getting extremely dry and brittle due to experiments with styling products and styling procedures. The puzzle that emerges is how to style your Natural hair so that it looks decent.  

Women from various places are opting for Sisterlocks instead of dealing with the upkeep needed to grow out loose natural or relaxed hair. 

Although these locs seem effortlessly beautiful, if they are not installed properly, it can cause hair breakage, tension alopecia, thinning edges and baldness. Just like any other way you wear your hair, you must take care of these locs and see a professional to help with installation and healthy hair maintenance. 


Flat Twist or Cornrows are a great way to snazz up that natural hairstyle!!!


A cute,  flirty style which can work well with just about all hair types. They are not actual knots but small coil buns secured against the head. 


This classy yet sexy look can be attained by simply twisting the hair and then letting it out!! Perfect for a special occasion or just a normal day out.


If you don't feel to style your hair you can just let it hassle, no worries!!!

Styling Sisterlocks in Shorts Styles

Shorter curly hair that is styled in Sisterlocks may be curled into cultivated tiny ringlets.The curls will work within the natural texture of your hair. 

1. Wash or wet the hair. Do not dry the hair. 

2. Take small sections of hair depending on how big you want your curls, and wrap the hair around curlers. You can use the perm rods to set your hair if you are not planning to sleep on them overnight. Wrap the hair as taunt as possible around the rod or curler. If you opt to use tiny sponge rollers, get the rollers that are covered in satin. Uncovered sponge rollers may snag and break your hair.  

3. Dry your hair. You can allow your hair to dry or get under a hair dryer. The choice is yours depending on the time available and whether or not you desire to avoid heat in styling.

4. When your hair is fully dry, remove the curlers.

5. Dress up the style by wearing a headband or glittery accessory.

If you prefer not to use rods when styling Sisterlocks, because you want a style that you can sleep in overnight, you can set your wet hair in two strand twists. Remove the twist when they are dry and use your fingers to style your hair.

Medium Style

1. Flat twist the first of the hair by taking a small section in the front of the hair and slowly twist the hair towards the back of the crown. Your twist should resenmble a twisted cornrow (as shown above).

2. Use a tiny clip or a hair pin to hold the twisted parts in place.

3. You can let the back of your hair hang loose or you can curl it on medium-sized rods. 

Long Style 

Hair that is shoulder-length or longer has a variety of styles in Sisterlocks. 

1. Pill all of the hair towards the back of the head, and roll the hair into a French twist.

2. Use bobby pins to hold the hair in place.

For long bouncy curls that resemble a relaxed style, set wet hair on large curlers. You can use plastic curlers or large flexible curlers for spiral curls. Remove the curls and use your fingers to style the hair as desired. Separate the curls to add fullness to the style.  

The Washing Process


1. Bundle Sections. For extra protection braid each section, then tuck end and secure with rubber bands. 

2. Wet hair thoroughly: Moderate water pressure.

3. Apply Sisterlocks Starter Shampoo directly to scalp around and through each bundle.

4. Gentle washing motion is in one direction only (scalp to tip).

5. Rinse, (re-suds if necessary), towel dry, undo the bundles. 

6. Separate locks.

This process continues until otherwise advised by your Sisterlock consultant. 

Your daily hair care habits may change

Learn to be gentle when shampooing until your locks are fully set. Use the Starter Shampoo until your consultant tells you to stop. Then use the Sisterlocks Botanical Shampoos (Green Tea or Salon).

When shampooing, use a gentle zigzag motion, moving only in the direction of the hair growth (root to tip)

Monitor the ends of your locks. At first, your Consultant may advise you to both braid your hair in sections AND bind the ends before washing until your locks are set.

Expect to see more scalp at first with your Sisterlocks. Your locks will begin to fill in after the first few shampooings. 

Your Sisterlocks respond best to styling when they are free from heavy oil-based products. Your clean, natural hair, lightly moisturized will give you bouncy, long lasting styles. 

Once your Consultant tells you your hair has passed through the "Settling-in Phase" 
you can move up to the regular Sisterlocks products:

Green Tea Shampoo (tightly-textured hair)

Salon Formula (loosely-textured hair)

Moisture Treatment  (cream for hair and scalp)

Herbal Spray Moisturizer (mid-week touch up)

Reconstructor (strengthens fragile & color-treated)

Dandruff (helps with dry scalp)

Thursday, 20 October 2016

The Installation of 492 locks

My 492 locks took me two days to install!!  Yes you read correctly, 2 days!!!!!


The consultant parts the hair evenly so that the locks look uniformed, just a few strands at a time. So as the locks mature it can go into almost any style. The parting is usually done first before any locking is done, and this takes up most of the time. 

At the end of day 2 it's all over and I'm ready to begin my new life!!!

If you so desire you can obtain a Birth Day Certificate from Sisterlocks welcoming you as a new member of the Sisterlocks family.

Sisterlocks is not like any other forms of dreadlocks or traditional locs where the locs are either freeform or medium in thickness.

Also Sisterlocks do not require hair products such as gels, grease or shea butter for installation. The weaving technique or patented tool used to create these beautifully crafted locs, allows the hair to remain light in weight as it grows longer.  

Sisterlocks is Built on 3P's 

Parting, locking Pattern and Patience

1. Due to their thin size, they're extremely versatile and can be styled almost as many ways as loose hair. 

2. Though the installation process is long, the upkeep is minimal compared to loose natural or relaxed hair. All that's needed is a retightening of the locs every 4-6 weeks. 

3. Since Sisterlocks is a trademark company, only stylists who have been trained by a certified associate of Sisterlocks can legally install them. 

4. Your hair doesn't need to be long for you to try Sisterlocks; you only need at least three inches of hair to get started. 

5. You can get Sisterlocks no matter your hair texture. Women with both relaxed and natural hair can consider Sisterlocks a viable hair option. 

Tips for Newbies


Obtain your Sisterlocks Starter Kit which contains:
  • 1 Starter Shampoo
  • Rubber Bands
  • Washing Instructions 
  • Shampooing Instructions

1. Use Sisterlock starter shampoo as this helps with the locking process

2. No other products to be used in your hair 'ONLY WATER'

3. Braid and band hair before washing

4. Let braids semi-dry before loosing out after wash

5. Do not over manipulate your hair

6. Cover your hair at night (Don't use cotton)

7. Do not use wigs, braids or weaves in your hair

8. Expect scalp itching: 

  • Use 15-15 drops of witch hazel to 100 ml water
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin to 95 ml water

9. Have patience 

After the locks are put in, follow your Consultant's instructions to make your transition go as smoothly as possible. Be conscientious about your follow-up visits!!! As your natural hair grows out, it will be retightened regularly, and your relaxed ends monitored. 

Take pride in your natural hair, Sisterlocks will make it easy for you to discover over time the Natural beauty of your wonderful hair. As your locks grow, your styling options will increase. Don't be surprised if your self-confidence increases as well. Now begin celebrating the beauty and versatility of your natural hair with Sisterlocks, the new way to be you!!!

Settling into your Sisterlocks may take from one to six months or more!

This is because it takes a certain amount of time for your locks to find their 'home'. Expect some slippage of the locks during this time, especially if you are transitioning from relaxed hair. 

  • Ask Questions
  • Be Patient
  • Follow Your Consultant's Instructions

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Sisterlocks - My Decision

My transition to Natural Hair led me to Sisterlocks

Sisterlocks is not about a hairdo. It's about a way of life! 

Before my decision to transition to Sisterlocks, I had to attend a session with the Sisterlock consultant. This was to ensure that I knew all that there is to know about Sisterlocks before I decided to take that very big step. The consultation included a video presentation which showed:

  • How it all began - The birth of Sisterlocks
  • Hair Care -  The Do's and Don't's of Sisterlocks
  • The Transitioning Process
  • How Sisterlocks will change your thinking
  • Different hair types and textures and how they respond to Sisterlocks
  • Managing and Enjoying your Sisterlocks 

At this session the consultant took a strand of my hair to test its density among other things, to determine my hair type and how it may react to the Sisterlocks if installed.

She also installed 'test locks' in my hair to see if they will hold and tried different sizes to ensure that the Sisterlock is done in the most suitable way. 

Even though the Sisterlock technique works best when performed on the natural texture of the hair you don't have to cut your relaxed or processed hair to install it. At least 1.5 inches of new growth is needed to start the process and your relaxed ends can be maintained by smoothing them or braiding them to attain a textured look.

I have decided to transition to natural hair over a year before I was introduced to Sisterlocks so most of my hair was already natural with the exception of the bear ends.

I was given some time time to think about my decision but I didn't really need that time, my mind was already made up, I was ready to be a member of the Sisterlocks family.