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Thursday, 20 October 2016

The Installation of 492 locks

My 492 locks took me two days to install!!  Yes you read correctly, 2 days!!!!!


The consultant parts the hair evenly so that the locks look uniformed, just a few strands at a time. So as the locks mature it can go into almost any style. The parting is usually done first before any locking is done, and this takes up most of the time. 

At the end of day 2 it's all over and I'm ready to begin my new life!!!

If you so desire you can obtain a Birth Day Certificate from Sisterlocks welcoming you as a new member of the Sisterlocks family.

Sisterlocks is not like any other forms of dreadlocks or traditional locs where the locs are either freeform or medium in thickness.

Also Sisterlocks do not require hair products such as gels, grease or shea butter for installation. The weaving technique or patented tool used to create these beautifully crafted locs, allows the hair to remain light in weight as it grows longer.  

Sisterlocks is Built on 3P's 

Parting, locking Pattern and Patience

1. Due to their thin size, they're extremely versatile and can be styled almost as many ways as loose hair. 

2. Though the installation process is long, the upkeep is minimal compared to loose natural or relaxed hair. All that's needed is a retightening of the locs every 4-6 weeks. 

3. Since Sisterlocks is a trademark company, only stylists who have been trained by a certified associate of Sisterlocks can legally install them. 

4. Your hair doesn't need to be long for you to try Sisterlocks; you only need at least three inches of hair to get started. 

5. You can get Sisterlocks no matter your hair texture. Women with both relaxed and natural hair can consider Sisterlocks a viable hair option. 


  1. Going natural is the best decision any Afro-descent woman can make, congrats.

  2. Wonders how this would look on a dude?

    1. Guys actually have this....will show some pics on another post so keep reading!!!!

  3. Looks nice as it grows out saw one person with this style

  4. Even the consultant must have patience.....hmmmmmmm!!

  5. Bold and realistic move to suit your lifestyle 👍👍

  6. Bold and realistic move to suit your lifestyle 👍👍
